Fascia in Sports & Movement
with Special Guest:
Dr Robert Schleip
Tuesday 6th October 8PM BST
I am thrilled to be joined in this session by Dr Robert Schleip. For those familiar with the field of fascia, he will require no introduction as he has been at the forefront of everything regarding fascia for many years.
A body worker by profession, he has driven research into fascia, its properties, behaviours and characteristics and has been a driving force behind the Fascia Research Society and it’s bi-annual congresses.
He has written and edited numerous books and dozens of papers on fascia and lectures all over the world on this highly specialised subject.
Above all he is an absolutely delightful human being and someone with whom I have had the distinct privilege to teach alongside and introduce at conference. He is engaging, enthusiastic and a wonderful speaker.
In this session we are going to be discussing the role of fascia in sport and movement, looking at how fascia can adapt and change according to different loads and conditions.
I’m certain we will all learn a huge amount so bring your questions and notebooks for this very special webinar.
My Pilates students have loved my renewed enthusiasm for dealing with their issues through functional movement.
Ruth Larkin – Pilates Instructor
A chance to learn from a master of anatomy in an easy and accessible way.
Kylie Williams – Bowen Therapist
This webinar series has by far been the most fascinating and eye opening CPD
Tom Sheppard – Sport & Remedial Massage Therapist
They have been stimulating, energetic and packed full of information to get your brain ticking.
Sophie Vowden – BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy
Robert Schleip
Schleip has been the organizer the organizer of the event “CONNECT – Connective Tissues in Sports Medicine” in 2013 and 2017 together with the sports physician Prof. Jürgen Steinacker.
He is also Executive Research Director of the European Rolfing Association,
Vice President of the Ida P. Rolf Research Foundation, and Board Member of the Fascia Research Society.
As a lecturer he teaches in physiotherapy, orthopaedics and training science. He is the author and publisher of specialist publications on the subject of “Fascia” and is present in the media on this subject.