Anatomy Trains. Fact or Fiction?

Some years ago, when I was testing the ground as far as my hands on work was concerned, I met a man called Tom Myers. After attending one of his London workshops, I wanted to know more about his ideas and theories and travelled to New York to attend another Anatomy Trains seminar.

Tom from the outset struck me as an incredible teacher, thinker and leader. His ability to hold a class, his brilliant analytical mind and his well proven presentation skills were and still are second to none.   There are some who seem to think that in some way I don’t like Tom Myers and whilst Tom’s acerbic tone and sometimes dismissive nature have also managed to direct themselves towards me, I still remain a great admirer both him and his work.  If you’re looking for a but then this is not the place to be and my admiration is unequivocal.  Whether I agree with him or not is another matter.  The person who says, “I disagree with you,” is generally more trustworthy as a truth teller than the one who says how much he loves and admires your work.  Ask anyone in Hollywood!